
Année #2

Ensemble Erard-Charenton, Paris 12e du 08/09/2023 au 08/09/2024


mardi 12 mars 2024 à 17 h 52

I’m not sure where the dance was, whe­ther it was in my body, sus­pen­ded in time, shel­te­red by the wooden struc­ture we all share, … Or per­haps the dance was in the city, the breath-taking view exten­ding out before me, the people, the birds swoo­ping high and low, the magni­fi­cent sun burs­ting through the clouds … but per­haps it was all around us, soft and light, indi­vi­dual and col­lec­tive. It was, after all, a magni­fi­cent dance …
Thank you Thomas, trusty com­pa­nion, and thank you to all the won­der­ful part­ners who made this pro­ject pos­si­ble, and thank you too to Anne, thank you for belie­ving.

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