
Année #2

Ensemble Erard-Charenton, Paris 12e du 08/09/2023 au 08/09/2024


samedi 24 février 2024 à 07 h 43

This was a very beau­ti­ful expe­rience for me of connec­ting to myself, to my body, mind and also to the city of Paris. I always thought of cities as sepa­rate cha­rac­ters who have their charms and flaws. Watching the city proved it. I chose the mor­ning watch because it’s an inte­res­ting time of the day, when eve­ry­thing and eve­ryone seem more raw, more real, more vul­ne­ra­ble. In the mor­nings at sun­rise to me it always feels like hope. Paris was slowly waking up to life and was ele­gant and mes­me­ri­sing. The sky on the other side was so dra­ma­tic and dyna­mic, I felt like wat­ching a per­for­mance, a play in a thea­ter.
I have moved to this city just 2 months ago and have been busy doing things. This one hour with myself was a good way to stop, to feel pre­sent, to ack­now­ledge life and observe my moods, desi­res, fears.
It was a medi­ta­tive the­rapy in some sense.
I felt tou­ched and gra­te­ful.
Merci beau­coup !

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